The Dancer: Sewing the Ballet Slippers
This is your last video! Once you sew your doll’s ballet slippers they are ready to hit the stage!
Thank you again for being here with me and don’t forget to share a picture once you finish - I can’t wait to see how your doll turned out!
Materials/supplies to have on hand:
Completed doll with tutu
Pink felt ballet slipper pieces (four total)
Pink ribbon (two pieces total)
Sewing pins
Spool of white thread
Scissors to clip threads
Hand sewing needle
Threaded sewing machine (if you will be sewing these steps by machine)
Hand Sewing Video:
Machine Sewing Video:
You did it! I hope you had a ton of fun learning to sew your Dancer doll.
Don’t forget to share a photo of your completed doll - I can’t wait to see it!