The DIY Drink Sleeve: Finishing the Sleeve

We are already on to the last video!

This video will walk through how to sew the top and bottom of the sleeve. This step can be sewn by hand or using a sewing machine - click on one of the videos below to continue sewing.

Materials/supplies to have on hand:

  • Both fabric sleeves

  • Sewing pins

  • Thread

  • Scissors to clip threads

  • Iron/ironing board

  • Hand sewing needle (if you will be sewing these steps by hand)

  • Threaded sewing machine (if you will be sewing these steps by machine)

Hand Sewing Video:

Machine Sewing Video:


You did it! I hope you had a ton of fun learning to sew.

Don’t forget to share a photo of your completed stocking - I can’t wait to see it!



Step 3: Sewing the Sides